Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Spring, New Garden, New Garden Coordinator

Welcome to the Spring 2008 season in the Haggerty Garden!

My name is Daniel MacPhee and I am excited to be starting as the new CitySprouts garden coordinator at the Haggerty School. As you've surely noticed, CitySprouts has created a newly renovated garden area along the Lawn Street side of the school where our gardening and drop-in activities will be focused from now on. Thanks to the help of many Haggerty families and community members, the garden is spectacular. In addition to a new set of raised beds, a terraced garden space has been created for a "five senses" garden that will feature plants native to Middlesex county selected for their sensory appeal.

Even though we are still wearing sweaters, spring has arrived in the garden... trees are budding, bulbs are blooming, and bees are buzzing. It seems like the perfect time to renew the open invitation to the garden and to encourage everyone to make use of this wonderful resource in a way that fits your needs, interests, and class schedules. Official weekly afterschool drop-ins begin the Thursday after spring vacation, but the garden is always here for your use, and I am also happy to work with your students any time I am around. I will try to give regular email updates on special happenings and seasonal activity ideas--but please do not hesitate to contact me at any point to arrange or suggest a particular activity. The Haggerty School Garden blog is also a good place to check in for ideas and updates. Between the Peabody and Haggerty gardens, I work Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays.
